Has Your Claimed Been Denied?
Insurance Denial Attorney Scott Glovsky
Perhaps your insurance company has refused to pay for treatment, test, service, or prescription drug you may desperately need for your health. If your health insurance company is violating the terms of your insurance policy, you may have a legitimate lawsuit against it. Your insurance company may also consistently fail to pay your claims promptly or may underpay your claims. There are laws designed to protect consumers in the state of California and across the nation.
It’s not at all uncommon for policyholders to sue their healthcare insurers for denial of a claim, mainly when the claim is for a service that is crucial to their health and their future or the health and future of a loved one. If you have received a denial for a healthcare claim, Attorney Scott Glovsky can help! The Law Offices of Scott Glovsky are highly knowledgeable, with years of experience, helping others just like you.
Why Are Healthcare Claims Often Denied?
Your attorney will determine exactly why your insurer denied your claim, but the most common reasons for healthcare denials include:
- Errors in paperwork, omissions, or mix-ups
- Your healthcare provider is questioning whether your procedure, test, or prescription drug is medically necessary
- Your healthcare provider wants you to try a less expensive option before it pays for the requested service (known as step therapy when used for prescription drugs)
- Your plan doesn’t cover the service requested (such as cosmetic surgery)
- Your healthcare provider claims you used an out-of-network provider
- You failed to obtain pre-authorization for a procedure or test (non-emergency)
Can I Sue My Healthcare Insurance Company?
Healthcare insurers have obligations to their policyholders; they must abide by the policy’s terms, act in good faith, and avoid unfair trade practices. Healthcare is usually regulated at the state level. Health insurance companies should adequately and promptly investigate a claim, pay claims that meet the rules, approve or deny a claim within a reasonable timeframe, and give a detailed explanation for a claim denial. If you believe your healthcare claim was improperly denied, yet your healthcare insurance company refuses to budge, even after your appeal, your attorney may advise you to file a lawsuit. Your attorney can explain the types of damages available.
How Scott Glovsky Can Help
Once you speak to experienced attorney Scott Glovsky, he can tell you whether your health insurer acted in bad faith. If the answer to that question is yes, and Scott takes your case, he will fight to recover damages, such as pain and suffering, lost wages, emotional trauma, and more. It is crucial that you never sign paperwork from your health insurance company before speaking to the Law Offices of Scott Glovsky. Often, a health insurance company will try to mail you a check, reimbursing you for your healthcare premiums. This is an underhanded way to get out of paying the actual value of your damages. If you are facing a healthcare claim denial, contact Scott Glovsky today.