School is a place of high trust and expectations. Teachers, educators, and administrators are believed to have our children’s interest at heart. They are not only entrusted with educating our children but to also help them develop morally and socially. It is essential that they maintain a safe environment for our children. They have a duty to do so.
There are over 50 million children attending school in the US each year. In 2004, a report was prepared for U.S. Department of Education that found nearly 9.6 percent of students are victims of sexual abuse sometime during their school careers.* This abuse was committed by school personnel including teachers, principals, coaches, and school bus drivers.
This suggests that as many as 5 million children may be subject to sexual abuse. This is a horrific statistic and one that should give every parent pause.
Behaviors That May Indicate Abuse in Schools
A GAO Report to the Ranking Member, Committee on Education and the Workforce, House of Representatives found these common behaviors of perpetrators:
Grooming Behaviors
- Extra attention paid to a student without others present (e.g., special tutoring, counseling, mentoring or rides home, etc.)
- Gifts or favors to a student’s family
Sexual Misconduct
- Use of sexual language or gestures
- Written or verbal sexual advances
- Sharing of sexual photos or videos
Sexual Abuse
- Indecent exposure
- Sexual contact
The repercussions of child sexual abuse are profound. A child may have lifetime disabilities. Child sexual abuse correlates with higher levels of eating disorders, guilt, depression, shame, sleeping problems, anxiety, sexual problems, dissociative patterns, repression, denial and relationship problems.
Contact Pasadena Sexual Abuse Lawyers
The Law Offices of Scott Glovsky are experienced in representing victims of child sexual abuse in civil lawsuits. If you or someone you know was a victim of child sexual abuse at school, please contact our law firm at (626) 243-5598 or fill out our contact form. The consultation is free.
* Stat From: Shakeshaft, C, Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of the Literature, U.S. Department of Education, 2004. The estimate provided in the report is the most recent information available on the prevalence of such abuse and misconduct and is based on secondary analysis of data collected for the American Association of University Women in Fall 2000 from a sample of 8th through 11th grade students in 80,000 schools and focused on experiences that occurred in school.